Tuesday, 4 July 2017

How Last Minute Trip Changes Can Affect Your Business Aviation Trip!

If you want to change last-minute schedule, then you need to be aware of certain limitations associated with it.
Advanced research & working with a third party service provider are among your best tools that help in accommodating eleventh-hour changes.

The following is an overview of what you need to know:

1.      You should know the main problem areas when making short-notice revisions:
Challenging issues for short-notice changes can include permits i.e temporary landing permit, visas, curfews, airport closures, parking, ground handling, and hotel availability.
For example arranging a short-notice airport slot or revision for countries like Japan can be challenging.
Also, PPR requirements in Southeast Asia, Europe, and Brazil often limit options for last-minute schedule changes.

2.      You may be restricted in options for last-minute schedule revisions:
Airport slots can’t always be revised twenty four hours a day. A valid reason for this is that slot offices may be closed.
PPRs for joint civil-military airports especially when required for parking can be inflexible.
Curfew issues including temporary closures & airport closure hours can limit schedule change ability.
Some airports restrict fueling at night. Also, there can be extra charges for late evening fuel uplifts.
Ground handling services mayn’t always be available during certain hours. So, you may have to pay an additional fee for after hour’s service.
Hotels may be sold out, mainly during large events or high season. Also this can further challenge eleventh-hour schedule changes.

3.      You can’t get over flight permit for certain regions:

Permits for Asian, Middle Eastern, and African regions can be difficult to obtain. China is very particular about multiple permit change requests. 
Some locations in the Mediterranean region only advise parking status twenty hours prior to arrival and can limit parking to seventy two hours.

4.      Schedule changes can be more challenging for charter and non-scheduled commercial operators:
Charter permits for Germany need four business days. So, you get delayed by two days to process a new permit.
Permits for Italy can be more inflexible in terms of passenger changes, due to certain restrictions.
Normally, you should carry the same passengers in and out & operate to all stops on the approved permit.
Adding or deleting a passenger may require a new permit with some delays.
Crew duty time limits can also impact options for last changes. These are all examples of how changes may have a larger impact on charter operations.

5.      Visa issues can be a consideration:

Some countries permit crew members to arrive without visas.
If a last-minute change keeps your aircraft longer than the permissible timeframe, then the crew member may get into a problem. Also they’ve to leave the country.

6.      Crew duty time may limit ability to make last-minute changes:
Crew duty timing is a major concern for charter operators & even private non-revenue operators in certain regions of the world.
You may not be able to achieve a desired schedule change without an additional rested pilot available.
Airport closures often impact crew duty time. Not all airports offer overtime, and those that offer do typically need 24-72 hours’ notice in advance.

Whenever last-minute schedule changes are considered, you need to be aware that your options can be restricted.
This may be due to airport slot availability, visa issues, permit lead time requirements, or airport curfews.

About Author:
Vision Aviation Global always fulfils the growing demand for air charted services & corporate aviation services for non scheduled air travel within Delhi, India.
We offer visa, temporary landing permits and also assist in Immigration & Custom clearance.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Business Aircraft Ops to India: Fuelling & Security

When you operate to India, fuelling, security and ground handling are generally reliable, on time, and economical at most larger airports.

At smaller airfields, however, you may’ve access to just a single fuel supplier. An advance arrangement of uplift and fuel credit often becomes a most essential consideration.

The following is a summary of what you need to know:
1.      Fuel uplifts:
Most of the airports in India avail fuel by fuel trucks.
On the other hand smaller airfields have fuel trucks available during airport operation hours.

2.      Fuel vendor options:
Major airports of entry in India generally have 3 different fuel suppliers available on the field.
On the other hand smaller airports have two and in some cases one fuelling option.

3.      Fuel pricing and credit:
 Prices are based per litre and normally adjusted after every fifteen days. The price you pay will be the cost of fuel with additional taxes.

Accepted forms of payment include fuel carnets and you need to show your fueling card.

Note that consumer credit cards aren’t accepted for fuel payment in India.

Your ground handler may extend credit for fuel uplift only if he or she has made a pre-payment to the fuel supplier in advance.

4.      Fuel tax considerations:

If you plan to make more than one stop in India, be aware that you will be charged tax on fuel upon arrival.
 Customs will send an agent to your aircraft to know volume of fuel onboard. This way they can calculate due taxes accordingly.
 When you make more than one stop in India, then in that case you need to land with minimum fuel.

Note that theses fuel taxes don’t apply when you make just one stop for either destination in India. 

5.      Storage, testing, & fuel delivery:
Fuel is stored in underground tanks and in fuel farms for fuelling purposes at smaller airports.
Prior to each fuel delivery, the fueler tests the fuel and they provide the fuel quality check to the crew.
Note that at larger airports there’re specific ramp areas where fuel is available. For example at New Delhi Airport, this option is available.
At smaller airfields, fuel trucks will come out to your aircraft. In this aspect, airport ground handling companies play a very significant role.

6.      VVIP fuel considerations:
Special fuel arrangements are made in the case of VVIP flights, for example those of a prime minister, president, or king.
Fuel can be tested in advance, and the tanks can be sealed until time of fuel uplift.
If you are operating a very important flight, then it’s become important that the ground handling company & the airport police should aware of these arrangements.

7.      Airport security in India:
Airports in India maintain adequate levels of security. Also security has been considerably increased over the past few years.
All airports in India have adequate perimeter fencing with proper airside access controls.

8.      Security screening:
Upon arrival in India, crew members & passengers should go through metal detector screening while luggage is screened via X-ray.
A similar security screening process takes place during pre-departure.

Fuel arrangements are made available in most airports in the country, and services are therefore becoming more efficient.
This reduces turnaround time for your flight. Ground handling service provider companies in India play a very important role in these aspects.

About Author:
At vision Aviation Global, Our professional staffs offer a complete service package to meet each client’s specific requirements and needs at all airports.
We provide complete Airport ground handling services in India through authorized ground handlers.

Monday, 12 June 2017

What’re the Route Planning Considerations for Overflight & Tempory Landing Permits?

When you plan to submit routing for overflight and tempory landing permit requests, then there’re several things that you need to consider.

The following is an overview of what you need to know:
1.      Routes and/ or FIRs( flight region information) is mandatory for some overflight and landing permits:
In many regions of the world, while requesting overflight and landing permits, routing and Flight information needs to be submitted.
Some of the countries requiring routings for overflight requests include Myanmar, North and South Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, and many other countries in Africa.
2.      Provide adequate permit lead time when routings are required:
Lead time for overflight permits is typically 3 to 5 business days, while five to ten days lead time is often required for landing permits.
Prior to committing yourself to a planned itinerary, you always need to confirm lead time requirements and lead times for schedule revisions.
3.      Random routes shouldn’t be used on permit requests:
In many cases random routes won’t give you the best flight information, and may add additional time to your schedule.
Also, you may find that you get permits that is not required if a random route is not utilized.
Also, you don’t need to discover on the day of operation that the routes you used for permit requests aren’t being accepted by Air Traffic Control (ATC).
4.      Be sure to identify all FIRs(flight region information) when required to do so:
Certain countries are particular on routes/FIRs placed in your permit request while others are more flexible.
For example Chinese authorities may often request you to change a route if they don’t accept the one you have chosen.
5.      Flight routes should not be built too far in advance:
When you use a particular route for a permit request, it is best you have built the route no more than six months in advance.
6.      Consider running test flight plans close to day of operation:
Running test flight plans prior to your operation is good practice because it gives you a chance to re-check the route to make sure it’s useable.
7.      Be careful particularly with routings when more than one country is overflown:
Air traffic control authorities may refuse you to entry into their airspace if you are using a route that is not approved by their Civil Aviation Authority.
So you need to be careful with routings.
8.      Some countries may change your proposed routing, which may affect your other permits:
Best practice is to always check in advance to confirm routes and FIRs approved by the concerned Civil Aviation Authority and to not deviate from those plans.
9.      Having a backup route ready can improve your option:
When you request a permit on short notice, a backup routing is always helpful.

Whenever you submit a permit request, it becomes necessary to call the recipient and confirm if he or she has received it or not.
If you find out that your permit request was never received, then it’s too late to secure the necessary permit.
About Author:
Vision Aviation Global is an authorised company for filing and obtaining temporary landing permit in India. We are based in Delhi and file & obtain permits in the shortest possible time frames.

We also assist and facilitate issuance of visas & temporary landing permits and give assistance for Immigration and Custom clearance.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Private Jet Charters: Cost Vs Comfort

An aircraft charter offers you complete flexibility and convenience to fly when, where, and how you want.

Unlike flying on commercial airlines, you can have a private jet aircraft that fits your specific needs and requirements.

Private Jet Charters - Cost Myths
Despite the favourable publicity and its many benefits, a private jet charter is still considered something of luxury.
Also it’s very important to carefully investigate the charter operator and get a few estimates before signing a written agreement.
An experienced operator will happily provide a cost breakdown and a charter contract that covers almost any eventuality.
In other words, there are no hidden charges or surprises. You need to read it thoroughly and carefully.

Private Jet Charters - Cost Determinants
The most common price determinants for air charter are:
Type of aircraft being chartered: This can range from helicopters to jumbo jets
Age and safety status of the aircraft: This should be audited independently by a licensed firm.
Management/maintenance fees: these are charged by the charter company to acquire and maintain the aircraft.
In-flight concierge services: This includes not only dining, but also service like car rentals and hotel accommodations.
Incidental fees: This includes fuel surcharges, service fees, landing fees, etc.
Itinerary for the trip: This includes not only final destination, but also length of trip and any stops or layovers.
A private jet charter offers you a better solution with the benefits of flexibility, comfort and personalized service.

Flexible Travel and Peace of Mind: Charter your own Flight
 With a private jet charter, you can decide on your own destination. You can adjust your travel plans as required.
Even if you decide at the last minute that you need to delay take off by an hour or you want to take flight to a different destination, then this is usually not a problem.
You’ll never miss a charter flight. Also you won’t have to wait in long queues to get the boarding pass. In addition, you never have to worry about your luggage.

Superior Comfort and Service on a Private Jet:
With a private jet, your seating area often looks more like a comfortable, high-end living room. You’re able to roam around freely from one seating area to another.
You may’ve your choice of meals and beverages, and the food is of highest quality. The flight staffs focuses only on serving your needs, and you can bring any items on board that you wish.

Closing Thoughts:
It is likely that most people who take a private jet do it because they just don’t want the hassle of commercial flying.
You will have more time to conduct business, and you will find more time to spend with your family and friends.

About Author:
Vision Aviation Global is an authorised company responsible for filing and obtaining landing and overflight permit.
We are based in Delhi and we provide affordable airport ground handlingservices in India.
Not only this, we obtain landing permits in the shortest possible time frames from Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), and Ministry of Civil Aviation.
We also assist and facilitate issuance of visas, temporary landing permits or TLP and give assistance for Immigration and Custom clearance.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

How does aircraft ground handling work?

The ground handling process varies among airlines and airports as airlines often subcontract ground handling work to 3rd party companies, which can be local contractors or even other airlines.
If you are interested to avail airport ground handling services, then you need to contact a reputed service provider firm in India.

Here’re the basics:
1.       Aircraft marshalling guides the plane to the parking position at a gate loading bridge or remote position
2.       Connecting the aircraft to preconditioned air and ground power. These types of equipment are not available everywhere, however they reduce usage of jet fuel.
3.       Luggage and air cargo handling to unload belly cargo. This process utilizes baggage tractors and belt loaders.
4.       Cabin cleaning usually occurs at the gate however when the aircraft parks for the night, more extensive cleaning might happen at a remote parking position.
5.       Catering involves unloading food from the previous flight and loading food for a future one
6.       Lavatory draining can be self explanatory.
7.       Refuelling is managed through tanker trucks or a hydrant fueling system.
8.       Deicing involves removing ice from the aircraft to improve safety in inclement weather.
9.       Pushing back from the gate occurs with the help of a push-back tractor.
There’re quite a few departments that are responsible for Aircraft Handling. Airport is a mix of Physical and Intelligent challenges.

How much does ramp service or ground handling cost airlines on average?
Handling cost is ten to fifteen percent of the total cost of an airline.
Per turnaround it varies a lot from less than US $1000 for a regional jet at a small airport to more than US $5000 for a wide body aircraft at a major airport.

Are there any unique ground handling services that are not offered by all airports?
There’re only a couple of airports that have what we call "carnet concierge" services for travellers and their carnet goods if they’re being hand-carried.
In virtually all airports except LAX, JFK and ORD, if you’re travelling with a carnet and hand-carried goods you’re on your own to navigate the security, baggage checking, customs, and validation of your ATA Carnet.

What is a typical work day like for the aircraft ground handling crew at an airport?
1.       Shared duties:
No matter your assignment for the day, you will likely end up doing some marshalling.
This means welcoming the aircraft & pointing them in the direction of the gate they need to taxi to or basically directing the pilots along the J-line.
Likewise, you might end up marshalling the plane out toward the taxiway. All personnel do a brief cleaning of the aircraft interior for flights which arrive and depart within 1.5 hrs.
Duties include vacuuming, seatbelt folding, trash pickup and tray wipe down. The plane is taken to the maintenance hangar and thoroughly cleaned and restocked for RONs (remain over night).

2.       Baggage Runner:
This person will assist with the unload operation and transport bags to the conveyor belt system inside the airport building. It is also responsible for transporting oversize bags or freight.
3.       Catering:
It is basically overseeing the restocking of various foodstuffs and beverages on the aircraft.
4.       Bag well:
Checked bags from the ticket counter are sent here through conveyor belt for counting and x-ray scanning before loading onto plane.
5.       Pit/Bellies:
It is basically loading or unloading bags and freight onto the aircraft. Also you can communicate with pilots via radio and operates pushback tractor.
6.       Jet way:
It is basically for aligning Jetway to aircraft for passenger board or deboard.
7.       Lavatory:
It is basically dumping aircraft waste reservoirs.
8.       Ground:
It is not an official assignment; more of a floater. It gives support wherever needed. When we’re not taking care of a flight, we’re typically hanging out in the break room playing cards.

What are the advantages to an airline of joining an alliance?
Airline alliances exist mainly because of practical limitations on airline mergers especially across borders.
Alliances allow airlines to get the benefits of larger networks like operational economies of scale and network benefits of a larger route network.

Key advantages:
1.       Increased traffic / revenue per seat mile
2.       Improved frequent flyer program
3.       Cost savings
4.       Brand (particularly important for smaller emerging market airlines)
·         Higher perceived safety
·         Higher perceived service

About Author:
Vision Aviation Global is a highly reputed service provider firm in India. We offer best airport ground handling services that are truly very genuine and cost effective.
The company was established to fulfil the growing demand for customized airline ground, air charted services and a range of corporate aviation services for air travel within Delhi, India.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

What to know about Private Jet Charters?

When you think about private jets, you might probably fall into one of two categories:
Either you do not know how expensive it is to own and operate a jet or you do know and do not understand how anybody, even the rich, would afford to fly privately.
If you are the former, here are some fun facts. The cost of a new jet will range from US $3 million to US $90 million or more.
The world’s most costly private jet belongs to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.
This $500 million aircraft involves a stable for horses, camel’s two-car garage, and a prayer room, which rotates so it always faces Mecca.
But the cost to purchase a jet is not the real money drain. Operating it will set you back $700,000 to $4 million per year.
If you’re in search of a reputed charter service provider, then you can contact them to avail their best services.
Vision Aviation Global offers VIP aircraft charter services that are truly very affordable and cost effective.

So what is Private Jet Charter?
Private Jet Charter enables you to choose the type of plane or helicopter and in this way you and your associates will fly in to your chosen destination.
They provide a range of services right from small vehicle, short flights to large commercial sized intercontinental options, to fulfil your needs and personal budget.
Shopping around will allow you to discover the most suitable supplier.

Key points to consider:
You want the luxury to be an engulfing experience. So flying close from home to a point close to your final destination will help.
There’re many operators out there so look around for those who fly from your local airstrips and can land where you want to go.
There’re a few who can also offer luxury transport to and from the plane. So you need to take all that into consideration.
The choice of aircraft is also paramount to your pleasure. A short flight with awkward access arrangements will suit a private helicopter more than a small jet.

Obviously you may need to make sure that the aircraft will accommodate your entire party and you must also consider whether a few empty seats is nicer to allow your friends to mingle.
It may be useful to allow a range of seating options for a variety of conversations and individual meetings.
Will you be happy to cater to your own needs or would you need to prefer some additional help from the qualified professional stewards, not available on every flight, so it is worth checking.
Together with catering requirements you must also check the rest room facilities available on your choice. Reason being, they do vary considerably, even to the point of being non-existent.
With all of the above points considered, you should also make sure that the company you choose to fly with has a good reputation for service, safety, and customer care.
Also, it can satisfy any other specific requirements that you may have. You can take your time to do your homework and it will definitely be worth the small amount of effort.

Helping you choose:
We simply love the whole concept of private jet charter. Service is a key factor in this market and many companies are now offering highly personalised services.
They also expand what they offer in order to give an exceptional travel experience whether that be for private or business purposes.

About Author:
Vision Aviation Global is a well known VIP aircraft charter service provider in Delhi. Vision Aviation Global is an authorized firm, which helps in obtaining landing and overfly permits.
We’re based in Delhi and are able to file and obtain permits in the shortest possible time frames from Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Ministry of Civil Aviation etc.
Our network of professional staff allows us to offer a complete service package tailored to meet each client’s specific requirements at all airports.
We strive to offer all inclusive ground handling through authorized ground handlers and flight support services.

Monday, 30 January 2017

5 international travel tips that you need to know

For many of us, holiday travel is part of life.
However, an overseas trip may add a layer of stress. Reason being, it involves more time to prepare when you are already overloaded with shopping & holiday plans, year-end work projects.
Before things get too irresistible, we have compiled a list of hot tips that can help you better prepare for your trip.

1.      Money tips for international travel:
You have to call your bank and credit card companies to let them know when you will be away. If you do not do this, your bank can suspend your card for possible suspicious activity.
Check to see if you’ve a credit card that doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees. If you do not have one, you could consider a new card without these fees and can save more money.
Many credit card companies will mail out cards overnight at no charge, so be sure to ask about this if you are travelling within a week.
Take a credit card with a smart chip. Many countries use payment machines that only take cards with smart chips that are less susceptible to fraud.
Get money ahead of time. Although you’ll likely find an ATM when you land, it is helpful to have money on hand in the proper currency when you arrive.

2.      Passport and safety tips for international travel:
Always ensure that your passport is ready to go and that you’ve included your passport number in your airline ticketing information.
You can make copies of your passport and pack one copy in your luggage and leave one at home with someone you trust.
You can also store an electronic copy. In this way, if you lose your passport, you can fall back on the copies to prove your citizenship and can get back home more easily.
You can also enrol in the Smart Traveller Enrolment Program (STEP) through the U.S. Department of State.
If you are a U.S. citizen or national, you can enroll your trip with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country you are planning to visit.
This will help the embassy reach you in an emergency and you will also get important information regarding safety conditions in your destination country.

3.      Packing and airport tips for international travel:
Ideally, your luggage should not exceed the airline’s maximum weight limit. So make sure you check on this ahead of time.
This way you will not be charged extra. It is also advisable to pack one day’s worth of clothes and your medications in a carry-on bag.
You can check-in for your flight in advance and download the airline app onto your phone. When you arrive to the airport, it can save you from the hassle of finding your paper ticket.

4.       Insurance tips for international travel:
If you are travelling to visit grandma and using airline miles to pay for your flight, then you do not need travel insurance.
But if you are taking a vacation complete with hotels, tours, flights, and more, buying travel insurance is a smart move.
Reason being, certain policies will compensate you if you’ve to cancel your trip or leave early.
However, you will not be eligible for some coverage if you purchase insurance within 10 days of your departure date. There’re still other policies you can purchase up until the day before you leave.
You can call your health insurance provider to check whether medical costs are covered in your destination country or not. Many insurance companies only cover health care in the United States.
If so, you might need to consider purchasing medical insurance through a travel insurance provider.
You can pack your trip insurance policy plan information, including your company contact details and plan number.
You can also store a copy electronically and leave one at home. In this way, you can access it in case you lose the information you brought with you.
Before you leave, you can surely come up with other odds and ends to take care of like placing a mail hold & adding a roaming option to your phone plan.

5.      Get a proper Check-up and Appropriate Vaccination:
Always have a physical prior to your trip to make sure that you are healthy enough to travel abroad, and ensure that you know the health concerns of the country you are planning to visit.
Numerous worldwide travel destinations need vaccinations prior to your arrival. So make sure you know the immunizations you need and that you are immunized prior to your trip.

If this is your first time travelling abroad, or if you just need a refresher here is a list of tips you should do or otherwise bring before your trip:

Security & Health
1.       Check-in with your doctor and insurance carrier
2.       Bring copies of your passport.
3.       Leave a copy of your passport.
1.       Look up the monetary conversion before you go
2.       Make sure your credit card will work in the country you’re visiting.
3.       Always have local cash
4.       Call your bank or credit card provider.
Local Research:
1.       Check the voltage of your electronics.
2.       Activate your phone’s global capabilities.
3.       Bring a charger adapter.
Luggage & packing:
1.       To check a bag or not to check bag
2.       Bring snacks.
3.       To check a bag or not to check bag

About Author:
Vision Aviation Global is a leading service provider firm in India. We offer best flight support services that are truly very valuable and genuine.
Our main objective is to offer exclusive Air Charter services for flawless operations throughout India.
We obtain landing permit and overfly permits from Civil Aviation Authorities in India within a short time frame.

Monday, 23 January 2017

15 Tips for Surviving a Long Flight- a quick look

Long flights: Do you love them or hate them? They are a necessity to get to the most distant destinations on the planet and some people love them, while others hate them.
However long flights can actually be enjoyed if you plan ahead and arm yourself with things that will help to pass the time and also help you sleep.

Now check out top 15 tips for surviving long flights:
1.      Power up:
Make sure you have all your chargers with you. In this way, you can keep your gadgets powered up throughout your flight.
Alternatively, you can carry extra batteries or an external charging device in case your plane is not having electrical outlets. Tip: Keep your chargers organized with a portable carrying case.

2.      Load up your devices:
Before you board your flight, make sure that your devices i.e. Smartphone, tablet, laptop, and e-reader are loaded up with music, games, movies, books and the airline’s app.

3.      Pack a pillow (and a blanket):
There’re tons of different pillows on the market. Find out which one works for you and go with it.  Also, all airlines do not offer blankets. So you have to bring your own or at least a cosy sweater.

4.      Wear comfortable clothes:
The temperature on a plane is rarely comfortable for everyone. You might be freezing, while the person a few rows away find it too warm.
You just never know, so it is best to be prepared. Wear comfortable clothes on a long flight and pack some layers so that you can adjust as the temperature changes inside the plane.
Pack some comfortable socks, too, but do not go into the bathroom in just your sock feet. Put your shoes on.

5.      Sleeping pills:
The key to surviving a long flight is being able to get some shut-eye. I personally do not take any kind of pills (including melatonin) since I want to be fully aware in case of an emergency.
But I know many people who swear by them. Usually, the drug of choice is Ambien however you could consult your doctor first before taking anything. Also test it out before getting on the plane.

6.      Don’t forget your eye mask:
Eye masks will help you create a perfect sleeping environment by blocking out all the light. Instead of using the cheap, scratchy eye masks, you can bring your own fluffy one.

7.      Bring earplugs:
Bringing earplugs is self-explanatory and is important for a good night’s sleep. If you forget them chances are that the flight attendant will have an extra pair.

8.      Noise-cancellation headphones and soft music:
If there is a screaming baby near you or people speaking loudly, earplugs will not necessarily going to do the trick.
In that case, wear your noise-cancellation headphones or ear buds and play soft music, an audio book or meditation music helps you a lot.

9.      Pack anti-bacterial wipes:
We all know that planes are dirty and germy. You can minimize your risk of picking up and spreading germs by using anti-bacterial wipes to wipe down your seat belt, seat back tray, arm rests etc.
A somewhat sanitized area should help you relax and rest a little bit easier, especially on a long flight.

10.  Bring games and something to read:
If you’re travelling with someone, bring a deck of cards or some portable games. My favourite game is Travel Scrabble.
But you better bring the Scrabble Dictionary for challenges or can use the in-flight Wifi to check the dictionary online. To pass the time everyone needs something good to read.

11.  Bring snacks/water:
On a long flight, you can eat and drink according to your own schedule, not the flight crew’s so pack some snacks and bring water.
At some major U.S. airports, taxi time can be up to an hour and once you’re in the air, it is usually forty minutes before the crew brings out the food and drinks.

12.  Choose your seat wisely:
If you plan to sleep for most of the flight, the best seat available is next to a window so you have something to lean against.
You do not have to worry about your seatmates waking you so they can use the loo. But if you think you will face any disturbance, get an aisle seat so that you can get up and easily stretch your legs.

13.  Buckle up:
If you are planning to sleep, make sure your fastened seat belt is visible over your clothing or blanket.
That’s way; the flight attendants won’t disturb you when they do their safety checks if the seat belt sign goes on.

14.  Bring sleep assistants:
Bring a device that works for you like the First Class Sleeper. It provides neck and lumbar support and can make a long flight more comfortable.
Also try the Travel Rest Pillow, which attaches to the seat back of a plane and gives more support to your head and neck.

15.  Be nice:
Last but definitely not least: Be nice. You are all on this long flight together. So be pleasant to everyone, right from the gate agents to your fellow passengers.
Put on a smile and bring three boxes of chocolates i.e. for the gate agents, for the flight attendants and for yourself.

Being trapped in an airborne metal tube for hours will take a toll on even the most frequent flyer. But long haul travel would not have to be an uncomfortable experience.
These helpful tricks will make economy feel like first class:
1.       Choose your food carefully
2.       Stay hydrated
3.       Keep your alcohol intake to a minimum
4.       Bring a neck pillow
5.       Bring noise cancelling headphones or earplugs
6.       Bring an eye mask
7.       Wear compression socks
8.       Charge all of your devices and bring an extra power pack

About Author:  
Vision Aviation Global is a most reputed air charter service provider firm in India. We offer best air charter services India that are truly very valuable and cost effective.
Vision Aviation Global  cater to the growing demand for air charted services, bespoke airline ground, and a range of corporate aviation services for non scheduled air travel within Delhi, India.